
2150 Shattuck Ave #200
Berkeley, CA 94709
Hi! I am a Senior AI engineer at WideSense, Inc working on simulation and optimization towards making electrification of transit fleets profitable. I graduated with a Ph.D. in Controls from the Model Predictive Control Laboratory, UC Berkeley. I was advised by Prof. Francesco Borrelli.
My research focuses on developing (1) robust, (2) data-driven, and (3) computationally efficient algorithms for nonlinear MPC by using tools from nonlinear control, optimization and machine learning.
Prior to joining UC Berkeley, I received my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from IIT Bombay in 2018 where I was fortunate to have been advised by Prof. Ravi Banavar and Prof. Arpita Sinha.
Jun 6, 2023 | Our work “Learning for Online Mixed-Integer Model Predictive Control with Parametric Optimality Certificates” has been accepted for publication in IEEE L-CSS! |
Jun 6, 2023 | My new website is now live! |